
In this family of pages I will post information about Alexander’s Scottish origins and  family, and about places in Scotland associated with the McGruders.

In the meantime, see my page on Alexander’s Family Tree and blog posts tagged with Scottish subjects, including “McGruder sites in Glen Artney” from August 2012.

All my photos of the the Magruder country were taken before the age of digital cameras, but I hope to have new photos soon.

12 comments on “Scotland

  1. Lisa Magruder B. says:

    Hi, My name is Lisa (derivative of Elizabeth). I believed, until reading this, that my maiden name “Magruder” was derived from “MacGregor”. I have told people this for years! I am so thankful for the research you are doing. Have you been able to trace anything farther back than “Alexander” in Scotland? This interests me for many reasons, one of which is the consideration that I may be going back to my maiden name as a sir name. I look forward to your response and blessings always for being interested in “where we come from”. -L

    • susantichy says:

      Hi Lisa. Yes, it’s a shock to find out the stories you were raised with aren’t true. Believe me, I know, as I come from an active American Clan Gregor Society family! To learn more, you can start with my page (under Alexander) on Alexander Magruder’s family tree. Also perhaps my post from Nov 3 on ‘Why You Won’t See Much About Clan Gregor on this Site.” On my “Sources” page re: Magruders, the works you want are Don McGruther’s book, “Wha’s Like Us? MacGrouthers in Scotland before 1855” and John MacGregor’s article on the McGrouthers of Meigor. Also Charles Kurz’ two articles. I have pdfs of the last three, but the book you’ll have to get from Don. (If you have trouble reaching him, let me know.) These are my chief sources re: McGruders in Scotland. I hope you enjoy your explorations.

  2. Lisa Magruder B. says:

    Undoubtedly I will explore and enjoy! Thanks for your devotion to our roots and the great response. Lisa

  3. Danny Morrison says:

    Hello from Oregon,

    My name is Danny Morrison and my daughter Taylor is tracing her family heritage. I am the thirteenth great grandson of Alexander and Lady Diane. My daughter has been reading a book on the generations between Alexander and our family and is very interested in finding out more on her Scottish heritage.

  4. Danny Morrison says:

    That’s Lady Margaret (not Diane) Campbell Drummond, married Alexander(1) 1605 Scotland.


    Alexander (1), Alexander (2), Samuel, Ninian, Samuel Brewer, Joseph, Margaret, Mary Ann MaGruder, John Josiah MaGruder, Joseph Weldon, Hilda Leventon, Donald John Morrison Sr.

  5. Michael A Mills says:

    Good morning Danny. I am Michael Mills a resident of Maryland, born and raised in Montgomery County. My tenth Grandfather William Mills, was Born in Cratfield Parish, Suffolk England in March 1628, he migrated to Maryland as an indentured Servant to William 1650.

    William died in 1676, but during his life in Maryland, he married Tabitha Wright and than beget Two sons: William and John and thee daughters, Mary, Sara and Tabitha, In fact at the time of William’s death his wife was with child, but unfortunatly, William died before his unborn daughter,Tabitha was born.

    William’s daughter Sarah married Alexander Magruder’s son Samuel and his second daughter married the son of Ninian Beall.

    Alexander resided adjacent to William Mills and just south of Alexander,s Ferry Road, off Croom road, in Brandywine, MD in Prince George’s County is Milltown Landing Road. I will send you a link to Bing Maps which will take you to the site of the location of the two roads, whereupon the Mills and Magruder families resided

    • susantichy says:

      Hello, Michael. Thanks for your comments and the message you sent (though, hmmm, nobody here is named Danny–those messages were from a reader). I have been to Magruder’s Ferry and seen the present parcel called Anchovie Hills, and the land around that once was part of it. If you look through my blog posts you’ll find one about the conservation easement that now protects the property. And you’re right about the river. In the 17th c. Ocean-going ships could load tobacco at those landings on the Patuxent. I don’t know anything about the Mills family, and will be happy to learn more.

      People used to think Samuel’s wife, Sarah, was Ninian Beall’s daughter. More recently that has been shown to be untrue, but for a variety of circumstantial reasons folks still think she was one of his close relatives. So it’s very interesting that you say she was the daughter of William Mills. I would love to know what evidence you have uncovered–in fact, lots of Magruders would be interested.

  6. Michael A Mills says:

    I indicated the name of the road to be Alexander’s Ferry Rd in error, the correct name of the road was Magruder’s Ferry Rd. I am inserting into this message the domain address to the location of the two roads which will give you some insight as to the area where the Magruder’s and Mills families got their start in America. The area along the Patuxent River is protected and in many ways it is much the same today as it was 300 years ago, biggest exception being, the fact that the river is much more shallow, due to the build up of silt.

  7. Lillian Hyde says:

    My cousins and I are wanting to plan a trip to Scotland. Among other things, we would like to visit the places of interest involving the Magruders. What would be a good resource for finding these sites? And thank you so much for your web site and info.

  8. David McGruder says:

    just finished a visit to scotland and will be looking at your information

  9. John Magruder Sullivan says:

    I have the Family bibles of Leonard Magruder son of Alexander from prince George’s county in Maryland

  10. John King says:

    Hi, I’m searching for information on McAree families in the Comrie area of Perthshire. I have John McGruder of Blairnroar witnessing the will of elder Johne McArie in Glenlichorn in 1680 so there was some connection between the two families. While I’m interested in tracking down the beginnings of the McAree line, I’m also interested in the property changes which occurred during/after the annexed estates along what is now the 827B road between Comrie and Braco, including the break up of Blairnroar and other changes that appear to occur about the time the toll road was constructed.. Any insights would be appreciated. John King

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